Accessibility For All

DEW Accessibility Officer Yvie Eglinton’s address to the Friends’ Forum in August certainly impressed a past President of Friends of Ikara-Flinders Ranges National Park. On returning home from the Forum Dinner he emailed members of the group to tell them there was a...
The Tangier Pea Story from Para Wirra

The Tangier Pea Story from Para Wirra

The Tangier Pea Story from Para Wirra When I was getting to know Para Wirra as a new Ranger in 1998, I noticed there was one hillside in the South Para Valley that turned an attractive shade of pink-purple every November. A creeper not unlike the garden Sweet Pea was...


It is always a heartening experience to be working with volunteers who willingly give up their day or weekend to contribute to a worthwhile cause. One such example was the weeding day recently held at the site of an endangered orchid population in the Clare Valley.  ...