About Us

Who are we?
Friends of Parks and Nature Inc. is the independent state body established to protect and represent the interests of the many individual Friends of Parks and Nature groups and affiliated groups in South Australia.
Together, these groups represent a membership of over 5000 volunteers whose common interest is the protection and enhancement of South Australia’s natural and/or cultural heritage.
Our role is to strongly support the protection of flora, fauna, heritage and important or significant sites, and to support a regional network of robust park-based volunteer groups.
In doing this, we work closely with the South Australian Department for Environment and Water (DEW) and the SA National Parks and Wildlife Service (NPWS).
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Key issues
Threat management
Ongoing management of threats such as introduced weeds, feral animals, rubbish dumping, vandalism, misuse of facilities
Community Awareness
Increasing community awareness and involvement in the protection of national parks increasing funding for projects
Park management
Active involvement in the development and implementation of park management plans
Helping to restore native flora and fauna
Become part of a community that works together to sustain the local environment and discover what your local parks have to offer! We have member groups working across South Australia, so you’re sure to find a group close to where you live.
Join a group
Our mission and approach
To be a valued, sustainable, effective and robust community organisation that reflects contemporary community values, such as equity and inclusivity, and that supports a statewide network of park-based volunteer groups, providing policy and planning advice and practical support to DEW in managing and promoting the State’s national parks and reserves.
Our engagement with the SA Department for Environment and Water
Friends of Parks and Nature works closely with the SA Department for Environment and Water (DEW) both at the Board level and within the individual member group.The Department supports the secretariat for Friends of Parks and Nature and each member group works with a liaison Ranger in their park to devise a work program. DEW’s commitment to us is detailed in the Engagement Charter here
DEW Friends of Parks Engagement Charter
Our Constitution
The Friends of Parks and Nature Constitution can be accessed here:
Our Board & Secretariat
To provide additional support to Friends groups, the Friends of Parks and Nature organisation has a Board and Secretariat. The Board, comprising of member group representatives, provides sponsorship for member groups applying for external grants, has an important advocacy role on behalf of member groups, and provides training workshops and marketing support to its members.
To find out more about our Board Members, Secretariat and board role descriptions, and to read a letter from our President, visit our Board & Secretariat page.
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