Tuesday, 30 March 2021
Reconnect Grant Round 2020-21

Applications now open!


The Reconnect Grant Round is now open and focuses on building community enhancement outcomes around the key themes of:


  • Connecting – Providing communities with opportunities to engage and participate
  • Belonging – Belonging to communities that are inclusive, equitable and resilient

Single grants of up to $25,000, are available to eligible organisations whose projects align with the key themes listed above.


Grant funding can be for:

  • Improving an area of service or a facility
  • Purchasing equipment, supplies or infrastructure
  • Community enhancement activities and initiatives


  • All funded projects must be in alignment with current government public health policies.
  • Refer to the resources from the SA Government COVID-19 website:https://www.covid-19.sa.gov.au


Grants SA Purpose:

Grants SA project funding is for not-for-profit community organisations to improve community participation, wellbeing, and quality of life for people living and working in South Australia. People and/or communities experiencing vulnerability or disadvantage are the core target group for this funding.


For the Reconnect Grant Round Guidelines or to apply for the grant visitwww.dhs.sa.gov.au/GrantsSA


Closing date 3pm Friday 23 April 2021


Grants SA Team

P: 1300 650 985

E: grantssa@sa.gov.au