The Tangier Pea Story from Para Wirra

The Tangier Pea Story from Para Wirra

The Tangier Pea Story from Para Wirra When I was getting to know Para Wirra as a new Ranger in 1998, I noticed there was one hillside in the South Para Valley that turned an attractive shade of pink-purple every November. A creeper not unlike the garden Sweet Pea was...
It’s nearly time  for the Great Southern Bioblitz! A great opportunity for groups to explore their park using the ID tool ‘iNaturalist’ – October 22 – 25th

It’s nearly time for the Great Southern Bioblitz! A great opportunity for groups to explore their park using the ID tool ‘iNaturalist’ – October 22 – 25th

 Great Southern Bioblitz (October 22-25) the ‘Great Southern BioBlitz’, or ‘GSB’ for short, is an international period of intense biological surveying in an attempt to record all the living species within several designated areas across the...