Dear Friends of Parks member groups,

To further support the substantial work undertaken by Friends of Parks groups across South Australia’s national park reserves and other important conservation-based initiatives, the Minister for Climate, Environment and Water has approved the Friends of Parks – Small Grants Program 2023-24.

The Friends of Parks – Small Grants Program offers grants of up to $5,000 per application, with funding of up to $175,000 available in 2023–2024. Groups may apply for more than one grant using a separate application for each.

The Friends of Parks – Small Grants Program is focused on conservation-based activities including the protection of biodiversity, Aboriginal cultural heritage or European heritage activities across national parks and reserves, and the broader landscape where the outcomes are consistent with the objectives of the National Parks and Wildlife Act 1972. This may also include the purchase of minor plant/equipment and other materials/services that supports a group’s project conservation outcomes. Grant funding is available for activities up to 12 months in duration, with the project commencing when payment is received.

Grant applications are to be made through the department’s online Grants Management System.
Applications close at 2pm on Monday 16 October 2023 (ACST).

For information on this year’s Small Grants Program please refer to the:

Frequently Asked Questions

