Once again, Heritage South Australia, in conjunction with the South Australian Heritage Council and Botanic Gardens Restaurant, is running this year’s photography competition to promote South Australia’s wonderful State Heritage Places. As you know, it is called ‘Heritage SnAps Photo Competition 2021’.


By raising awareness of State Heritage Places in South Australia (we now have 2,302 of them!) we will encourage the community to visit the places and take interest in our state’s heritage. We want to positively engage with individuals and the communities to inspire interest and participation in taking high quality photographs of State Heritage Places. The competition coincides with the release of our new Heritage Tourism Strategy for South Australia – ‘Growing our Heritage Future’.


There are 4 categories for people to enter photos:


  • Category 1 – Maritime Heritage coastal and riverine (includes Shipwrecks and Heritage listed lighthouses, jetties, obelisks, wharfs and boatsheds).
  • Category 2 – Heritage visits (featuring people enjoying our State Heritage Places).
  • Category 3 – Professional and Edited photos of State Heritage Places
  • Category 4 – Young talent (under 18) taking photos of State Heritage Places (encouraging school age kids to learn about our Heritage).
Heritage South Australia encourages all students to enter – either via Category 4 if under 18, or any other category if over 18. So please recommend this to any relatives or friends who are students.

If you wish to know more about State Heritage locations – please check our SA Heritage Database to see if it is:


There are fantastic prizes on offer, including a SeaLink holiday, One and All sailing ship day sail, family passes to Adelaide Gaol and Naracoorte Caves, Botanic Gardens Restaurant dining experiences and more from generous South Australian sponsors.

The competition is open now and will close on 15 October 2021.

There will be an official event in December 2021 at Torrens Parade Ground in Adelaide to announce the winners.

Entry into the competition is via our website where you will also find our terms & conditions:


Please feel free to call me on telephone 8226 2127 or email david.hanna@sa.gov.au if you have any queries.

Information about our past photo competitions can be found here: https://www.environment.sa.gov.au/topics/heritage/heritage-photo-competitions

I look forward to your entries and good luck.

Kind regards,


David Hanna

Executive Officer, South Australian Heritage Council
