Donations to help Wildlife on Kangaroo Island

Wildlife Recovery Fund

The National Parks and Wildlife Service South Australia and Nature Foundation SA have set up this Fund to re-establish habitat, particularly for threatened and vulnerable species. Your donations will go to local landholders, Landcare, and community groups in fire affected regions to urgently undertake native plantings, feral animal and weed control, and fencing – this will give both threatened animal and plant life the best chance of recovery. Funds will also be directed to restore habitat in fire-devastated national parks – particularly on Kangaroo Island.

Glossy Black Cockatoo Recovery Program:

The Nature Foundation SA runs the program for this critically endangered bird together with the KI Natural Resources Management Board. The recovery program started in 1995 with less than 160 Glossy Black-cockatoos in existence and has nursed the population back from the brink of extinction, doubling the population of glossies on Kangaroo Island to over 360 birds and helping them to spread eastwards across the Island. However the fires have now destroyed most of their habitat in the west of the Island creating an urgent need for nesting and habitat support.

Saving the KI Dunnart from Extinction

The Endangered Kangaroo Island dunnart is found only in remnant bushland of the west end of Kangaroo Island. However it now appears that its entire habitat has been burnt, all known monitoring sites have been burnt and the species may now be on the very brink of extinction. Your financial support will help Kangaroo Island Land for Wildlife and landholders to locate remnant patches of unburnt vegetation and survey for the species through camera trapping. We have lost valuable survey equipment in the fires, your financial support will help to replace much needed survey equipment (cameras, fencing materials) and allow the team to start surveying immediately, find the last few individuals and protect them from feral predators and further wildfire events.

KI Wildlife Network

This volunteer group works with SAVEM (SA Veterinary Emergency Management) to rescue injured wildlife from the fire ground. For donations details, see this link

Businesses supporting Wildlife:

Hanson Bay Koala and Wildlife Sanctuary

This 5,000 acre wildlife sanctuary was home to thousands of native wildlife animals including a large population of koalas.

Kangaroo Island Wildlife Park 

We are working around the clock with a highly experienced, qualified and dedicated team of volunteers including qualified vets, vet nurses and wildlife carers to rescue, rehabilitate and care for all of the animals coming in from the bushfires

For those of you who would like to contribute we are asking for funds to help with veterinary costs, koala milk and supplements, extra holding/rehabilitation enclosures, as well as setting up a building to hold supplies to treat these animals.

Raptor Domain

Raptor Domain is an environmental education centre based near Seal Bay on Kangaroo Island. In the last week, here at Raptor Domain, we have had to evacuate all of our animals twice due to extreme fire risk. We are lucky that the property has been spared this time round, but it still remains at advice level. It has become evident that we will need to construct portable enclosures for our raptors, as ideally, we need to keep our animals in one of the ‘safer places’ on Kangaroo Island until the fire threat is gone. This will hugely reduce the stress of moving our animals and holding them in pet packs for an extended period of time. We need to fund the construction of some mobile aviaries for our birds in the likely event of another fire threat. This would allow our animals to remain in a safer place for a week or even longer if needed.

Island Beehive’s Save the Ligurian Bees appeal

Island Beehive states “We have started a go fund me to save the Ligurian bees. This money will go directly to buying feeders and bee feed to start with, then we will look at a queen breeding program to get the numbers up again.
