Semaphore Largs Dunes Group

Semaphore Largs Dunes Group volunteers endeavour to enhance the natural biodiversity of the coastal environment by identifying issues such as weed and pest invasion, pedestrian access, storm-water discharge, erosion, and any other issues that threaten the integrity of this coastal area.

The group meets on Monday mornings to perform tasks that minimise threats to the native flora and fauna of the dunes.

Activities might include
· seed collection
· rubbish and weed removal
· re-vegetation
· feral animal and plant control
· community education

Locals are encouraged to join the Group and care for an area close to where they live at a time that suits them if they cannot attend the Monday morning work sessions.

The Group have received Green Adelaide Grassroots Grants for the Coastal Sand Dune Rehabilitation project. If you would like to take part in any of the workshops or work days associated with this project, please get in touch by email

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