Friends of Patawalonga Creek

The Friends of Patawalonga Creek (FoPC) is a community group that has been assisting in looking after the Patawalonga Creek remnant vegetation site on West Beach Road, West Beach, since 1998.
In 2023, FoPC became a member group of Friends of Parks Inc.
We work under the general supervision of the environment manager of the site owner, Adelaide Airport Ltd, and Green Adelaide, and in collaboration with other community groups and contractors, including Trees for Life.
FoPC working bees are held on the first Sunday of each month (except January), from 9:30am–noon (meet at site entrance, opposite Atlantic Ave).
Activities include participating in an annual Clean Up Australia Day event, National Tree Day planting events, and regular activities such as weeding and maintenance of the walking trail.
Contact details:
Andrew Winkler (chair) Ph: 8234 1420 Mob: 0481 173 666

Picture Gallery
