Friends of Moana Sands Conservation Park

Moana Sands Con­ser­va­tion Park is locat­ed 35km south of Ade­laide. Access is via the Moana Esplanade (south) or Moana Beach, south of Ped­dler Creek.

Moana Sands Conservation Park is a significant Aboriginal cultural heritage site.

The park's coastal sand dunes are very important in the cultural traditions of the Kaurna people who made their summer camp in the dunes next to Pedlar Creek.

Many archaeological artefacts, including burial sites, hearths and shell middens - some dating back more than 6000 years - have been found where the overlying sand has blown away.

Although a long history of sand mining, farming and recreational activities has impacted on the landscape and native vegetation of the park, you can still enjoy opportunities to observe birdlife that call the low coastal vegetation their home.

Look out for honeyeaters, wattlebirds, falcons, swamp harriers, dotterels and the rare hooded plover.
