Friends of Black Hill and Morialta Inc.

Our Objectives

The Friends of Black Hill and Morialta's purpose is to conserve, protect and restore our environment by:

  • Organising and managing a group under the Friends of Parks scheme specifically focused on the interests of Morialta, Black Hill and Horsnell Gully Conservation Parks;
  • Fostering a public interest in the conservation, protection and preservation of natural and heritage assets of Reserves;
  • Working in partnership with the Department's staff to further the interests of the Reserves;
  • Providing voluntary assistance to the Department;
  • Planning and implementing projects intended to conserve and preserve natural and heritage assets in Reserves;
  • Raising funds to resource activities designed to further the objectives of the association;
  • Conducting research and field investigation to record natural assets, people and places including events of historical interest relevant to Reserves;
  • Cooperating with persons or organisations having similar aims or like interests excluding support for registered political parties.

Our Story

Who we are

Friends of Black Hill & Morialta is a not-for-profit charity which has been protecting and restoring native vegetation in South Australia since August 1986. A community based conservation group providing volunteer help to the National Parks and Wildlife Service of South Australia by hosting regular restoration events, hosting community education events, implementing projects intended to conserve and preserve natural reserves, conduct research and field investigation, fundraise for projects and cooperate with entities which have similar aims.
Our projects protect native habitat through restoration programs and engage with community by providing fun and educational events.

Our primary objective

To conserve, protect and restore Black Hill, Morialta and Horsnell Gully Conservation Parks for native species.

Our mission

Restore damaged and fragmented habitat through restoration; Conserve the biodiversity and cultural heritage of the parks; and Learn from our work, share knowledge and raise awareness.

Our structure

Friends of Black Hill & Morialta is an Incorporated Association Australian listed on the Register of Environmental Organisations and the Australian Charities and Not-for-profit Commission. We are a 100% volunteer organisation administered by an associated corporation committee. Our ABN is 98 370 914 984.

For more information on our projects, or to make a tax deductible donation, visit

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