Our Members section makes it easy for Group members to find other groups, apply for or renew membership, apply for grants, book items on loan, and much more!

Members' Directory
Find one of the many Friends of Parks and Nature member group from across the state, using the directory to search by name, region or map location.

Renew a group membership
Renew your Friends of Parks and Nature group membership online.

Apply for a group membership
If your group wishes to join Friends of Parks and Nature, this page has all of the information you need.

Parks Passes
This page has information about booking and paying for entry to South Australia’s National Parks, plus details on unique code numbers and gold passes.
New Volunteer Induction Form
Our member groups can download a copy of the handbook to help facilitate a welcoming induction process.
Public liability insurance
Certificate of Insurance,

Apply for a Gift Fund grant
Our Member Groups can apply for financial assistance through our Gift Fund grants. Details about applying can be found on this page.

Book an item on loan
The Friends of Parks and Nature Board has purchased banners and a marquee that are freely available to Member Groups that wish to make use of them for events they have organised or are involved in.