Nature Foundation

Our Vision:

Inspiring people to connect with and conserve the natural habitat of South Australia for future generations

Our Mission:

Engaging people, resources and good science to conserve the precious habitat of South Australia

Our Values:

  • A commitment to and experience as a credible supporter of nature and the natural environment since our inauguration in 1981
  • Many achievements in providing financial support to a variety of areas of successful scientific research
  • Our position as an independent and not-for-profit organisation with no political affiliations
  • Our credibility with our strong membership and supporting donors as an organisation that can achieve real outcomes for the natural environment
  • Our status as a Deductible Gift Recipient by which we are able to provide taxation benefits to those who donate money or property
  • A commitment to sound science
  • An understanding of the need to strike the right balance between community development, economic growth, social and cultural wellbeing, environmental protection and the sustainable use of resources
  • Our relationship with but independence from government whereby we can offer supporters the opportunity to act remotely from government but where we can benefit from government's sophisticated technical assistance
  • The depth and breadth of the professional skills brought to the organisation by the calibre of its Board members
  • A commitment to high standards of business ethics and probity
  • Our strategic partners and supporters

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