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COVID-19 safe guidelines for park volunteers

< Back to News & EventsCOVID-19 safe guidelines for park volunteers In response to the South Australian Government’s Step 1 in easing COVID-19 restrictions roadmap, we encourage park volunteers to recommence activities in...

SAFETY BULLETIN: Safe use of Trailer Tailgate Ramps

< Back to News & EventsThis is a Safety Bulletin from the National Parks & Wildlife Service (NPWS) Division Workplace Health & Safety (WHS) Committee for 2020.Download PDF: Safe use of Trailer Tailgate RampsContact...

Experiencing Marine Sanctuaries Inc. (EMS)

EXPERIENCING MARINE SANCTUARIES’ (EMS) is an incorporated, not-for-profit, non-government organisation. The program is based on (with permission) the highly successful New Zealand program ‘Experiencing Marine Reserves’. An important component of...

Campground Hosts

Combine your love of camping with doing a good deed by becoming a volunteer campground host in one of South Australian’s national parks. A campground host is a volunteer who stays at a national park either for a specific peak period, like the...

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